We tried, tried, again, and again and again, but failed to find a new Crane Mountain crew. We were practically giving the business away but only to those people who would keep the name and quality to the standards we all expect to have in our product. We had several qualified people try then have to bow out for various reasons. And few we turned down because we could not come to terms in a practical manner.
We leave a business that was growing and had a large following with no shortage of orders. It was ready to be taken to the next level. It needed a small group of dedicated partners with the investment to get beyond the hobby level. That plus, in terms of an investment, manufacturing process with poor cash flow and thin margins, makes it a difficult go for anyone. (That's why you see so many start ups fail in this field.) The business had grown beyond what Pam and I wanted to be at. After 25 years, it is time for both of us to move on to the next chapter.
We apologize to all those loyal customers who tolerated the false starts, whom submitted orders only now to find out we can't fulfill those requesst. Pam and my retirement has been delayed several times fulfilling requests due to previous false starts. It is time to stop holding on to the dream of passing on the business we had a passion for. To those we still owe weapons , dvds and photos before the end of 2017, we will keep our commitments. (Yes we were over whelmed by the response when we announced the first time we tried to retire.) Contact us if you wish a change of terms or refund.
I'm considering making a series of dvds on how to make your weapons and how we did it here at Crane Mountain. If there is enough interest, I will use our closing days sharing the Martial Arts community how it was done. Knowledge should not be lost to the ether.
Joseph Wendt , Founder and Chief Equipment Repairman of Crane Mountain Weapons
Pam Stiebler, the Boss of Crane Mountain Weapons
In Memory of Marti Marquis our longtime faithful employee